Mitsubishi PLC Tutorial: Program and Display Strings In Ladder Logic

Learn how to write a ladder logic program to assign a string value to a data register and share that register with any HMI compatible with Mitsubishi’s MELSEC PLC series. Human-machine interface (HMI) panels are often designed for the control and display of essential data from the control system to the users. From interaction with … Read more

The Beginner’s Guide to Automation: Adding Control to the System

Every automated cell requires a ‘brain’ in order to achieve the required tasks. How do you determine the necessary I/O, communication protocols, and processor necessary for controlling your system? Previously, we have covered the initial steps of choosing the proper automation project and getting started with the initial connections to the real world with sensor … Read more

Securing SCADA Systems from Cyber Attacks

Learn about the many ways cyber-attacks threaten SCADA systems, and what can be done to keep manufacturing and utility plants protected. In the initial days of SCADA, OEMs used proprietary communication protocols for the communication network. Over time, however, systems required parts from multiple OEMs and the communication protocol converged. This shift was instrumental for … Read more

Types of Pressure Measurements

In industry, pressure can be used in various sectors for safety and containment. Before diving into specific applications, let’s learn about the types of pressure measurements. Various pressure measurements are used in the industrial environment. Pressure is one of the most critical process variables from a manufacturing and a safety perspective. Pressurized gases are used … Read more

Python Tutorial Part 3 | Data Structures: Lists

This section will dive into the world of data structures used within the Python programming environment, starting with one of the more commonly used structures called ‘lists.’ Previously, we discussed various data types that contain information from text to numerical values, critical for every computer system, including PLCs, IPCs, and more advanced OS platforms. What … Read more

Introduction to Functional Safety (IEC 62061) and its Implementation

Functional safety is the safety of a system and is critical for industries such as medical devices, automotive, railways, and machinery. This article will focus on functional safety for machinery and the standards that help its implementation. Functional safety is one of the methods to ensure safety in various industries. It does not deal specifically … Read more

Industrial Networks: “Protocol over a Standard?”

Industrial communication channels often contain terms such as ‘Modbus over RS485’ or ‘CIP Safety over Ethernet’. What does it mean to send one network over another, and how does it work to your advantage? Industrial networking relies on the knowledge of professionals who are becoming more widely recognized with the term ‘OT’, meaning operational technology. … Read more

Security Decisions in Modbus Industrial Systems

Learn about Modbus security in industrial automation, including vulnerabilities, fixes, and alternative solutions. There are many pros and cons associated with the integration of security on existing Modbus systems. The primary driver for security introduction is the addition of TCP/IP networking to utilize cloud networking, and this brings with it many potential vulnerabilities. Concern for … Read more

pH Monitoring and Control Systems

What are pH monitoring systems and how are they applied in control systems? This article explores the use of pH sensors in the industry, as well as the basic setup of a pH control system. A fundamental understanding of the pH scale and acid-base reactions are recommended before reading this article. pH Monitoring and Control … Read more