How to Identify and Use NPN Sensors

In this article, we will discuss the application and identification of NPN sensors, clarifying why they work and how to properly use them in a control circuit setting. Most engineers and technicians envision sensors as being the device that sends process information into a control system such as a PLC, VFD, or similar. That thought … Read more

The Purpose of NPN Sensors in Control Systems

A typical control system uses PNP sensors and tends to be easier to visualize. For opposite polarity systems, the NPN sensor is the only compatible sensor type. Learn more about NPN sensors, including characteristics and uses. In a typical control system, the primary method of sending input signals to a PLC is by first powering … Read more

Tips to Consider for Sensor Selection

The wide variety of sensors available for control systems leads to the daunting task of selecting the proper device. Different types of machines and programmable controllers require careful attention to detail when selecting appropriate sensors. Nearly every modern machine that needs to be repaired or upgraded has very specific requirements of what sort of data … Read more

The Beginner’s Guide to Automation: Adding Control to the System

Every automated cell requires a ‘brain’ in order to achieve the required tasks. How do you determine the necessary I/O, communication protocols, and processor necessary for controlling your system? Previously, we have covered the initial steps of choosing the proper automation project and getting started with the initial connections to the real world with sensor … Read more