Emerson Movicon.NExT Version 4.3 Build 377

Emerson Movicon.NExT

Introduction Software technology that enables automation engineers to significantly increase the efficiency, quality and flexibility of their projects — at any scale. Industry 4.0 depends on universal connectivity and real-time insights throughout the plant and across organizations. MoviconNExT™ modular, open architecture provides the foundation for the next stage of digital transformation. Movicon.NExT™ is a state-of-the-art … Read more

Securing SCADA Systems from Cyber Attacks

Learn about the many ways cyber-attacks threaten SCADA systems, and what can be done to keep manufacturing and utility plants protected. In the initial days of SCADA, OEMs used proprietary communication protocols for the communication network. Over time, however, systems required parts from multiple OEMs and the communication protocol converged. This shift was instrumental for … Read more

Infrastructure From IT to OT: SCADA Platform Example with Ansible

High-level IT/OT integration in a manufacturing environment involves skills in networking communication and field equipment. This example involves automating remote connections between computers. A modern SCADA/DCS system environment comprises IT and OT infrastructure, including servers, workstations, network switches/routers, PLCs, RTUs, and IEDs that can be configured and tuned with a central software platform. Ansible is … Read more

An Introduction to Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)

Learn about the supervisory control and data acquisition system used to program PLCs and PIDs. See where, how, and why SCADA systems are so popular. Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is the use of a system of computers, network architecture, data communication over a network, and a graphical user interface (GUI) to carry out … Read more